Illumination Sponsorship Illumination 2025PaymentReviewIllumination 2025Sponsorship*SPONSOR INFORMATION:*Family Name (as it should appear in program and signage:*My employer has matching gift program:* Yes No *If "Yes", Employer Name:*HOME ADDRESS:*Name:*Address:*Address 2:*City/Town:*State:*Zip/Postal Code:*Email:*Phone:*SPONSORSHIP ELECTION:* Fr. Bob Legacy Sponsor - $1,000 Families Celebrating Our Light Sponsor - $500 *NOTE: If you prefer to pay by check or ACH (debit from bank account), please mark your choice below.*On the Payment Page, choose "BILL ME LATER" and submit. Additional instructions on how to submit your check or complete ACH payment will be included on the registration confirmation.*Payment choice: <Select> Check ACH Debit Withdrawal *Thank you for your generous support as it is critical to sustaining the vibrant IHM community that so many have fostered over the years!*With appreciation,*The Illumination 2025 Family Sponsorship Committee*Molly Chavers, Emily Cornforth, Emily Johnson, Myra Mariani, and Gabrielle Neal *